PLA 2025 Convention and Trade Show

February 2-6, 2025

Las Vegas, NV (Westgate Las Vegas)

Request for Session Proposals


The Public Lands Alliance (PLA) seeks enriching, enlightening, and innovative session ideas for PLA 2025, its convention and trade show in Las Vegas, NV, from February 2-6, 2025. We invite high-quality speakers and facilitators to propose sessions to inspire, educate, and equip attendees with innovative strategies, practical skills, and collaborative approaches. Please help our community explore new ideas, share best practices, and foster meaningful partnerships to strengthen our collective efforts to enhance and preserve public lands now and for future generations. 

Submissions should fall under the umbrella of four major themes, covering topics relevant to public lands nonprofits and their agency partners:

  • Funding the Mission: Building Financial Resilience: This theme will explore diverse and dynamic methods for ensuring financial stability for public land partners. It will emphasize the importance of exploring various funding sources and creating strategic partnerships to achieve long-term sustainability. By bringing together experts and practitioners, we aim to inspire new ideas and practical solutions for overcoming financial challenges and generating sustainable methods to fund our collective missions.
  • Inclusive Conservation: Strengthening Community Partnerships: This theme emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive conservation initiatives that integrate the wisdom and practices of diverse communities. By fostering partnerships between agencies, nonprofits, tribal groups, and local communities, we aim to build a more resilient and sustainable future for public lands. The focus will be on understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by different groups and developing strategies to ensure that all voices are heard and respected in the conservation process.
  • Healthy Lands, Healthy People: Wellness and Outdoor Recreation: This theme will explore the intersection of health, wellness, and outdoor recreation, emphasizing the benefits of public lands for community well-being. We will discuss the vital role that public lands play in enhancing the health and wellness of communities. It will highlight the multifaceted benefits of outdoor recreation for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By showcasing innovative programs and partnerships, we aim to inspire efforts that make public lands more accessible and inclusive, ensuring that everyone can reap the health benefits of nature.
  • Adapting for Tomorrow: The Future of Public Lands: This theme centers on envisioning and preparing for the future of public lands and public land partnerships amidst evolving challenges and opportunities. It will delve into topics such as how climate change, technological advancements, and demographic shifts will shape public land management. By fostering innovative approaches and building resilient partnerships, we aim to ensure that public lands remain vital and accessible for future generations.

Submissions should directly or tangentially address the above themes. Topics commonly accepted at past conventions—such as partnerships, retail, fundraising, governance, education, and advocacy—remain highly relevant within these themes. Demonstrate how your topic aligns with one of these themes and impress us with your innovative approach. Be bold and show us the impact your session can make.

PLEASE NOTE: PLA seeks a diversity of perspectives in the selection of proposals and values the expertise and contribution of presenters. Due to the large number of accepted proposals, we do not typically cover expenses or offer honoraria to concurrent session presenters. Accepted presenters will be expected to pay the published convention registration fees if they wish to participate in the convention beyond their presentation(s). PLA will consider partial assistance for expenses on a case-by-case basis for accepted presenters not from PLA member organizations or government agencies.Presenters affiliated with PLA nonprofit member organizations who require assistance should apply for a convention scholarship.



  • August 23, 2024 — Proposal submission deadline (incomplete forms will not be considered) 
  • Week of October 14, 2024 — Proposal status notification (i.e., whether a proposal is: 1) accepted, or 2) still under consideration) 
  • Week of January 20, 2025 – Presentation materials and session handouts due to PLA Education and Training Manager  



Session proposals should: 

  • Include Diverse Perspectives: If appropriate, incorporate presenters who can directly share varied partnership perspectives on the topic. Proposals featuring a collaboration of presenters from nonprofits, agencies, and other relevant partner groups will receive stronger consideration.
  • Promote Interactive Learning: Encourage energetic, interactive learning and clearly define learner outcomes or takeaways—ways for participants to effect change in their roles as public lands partners.
  • Focus on Professional Development: Be designed to develop professional knowledge, skills, and understanding. Proposals perceived as sales pitches or commercially oriented will not be considered.
  • Consider Practical Requirements: Be practical regarding audiovisual and technical needs. While PLA will do its best to meet these requests, it cannot guarantee that all audiovisual and technical requirements, particularly Internet, will be met. (Specific AV or technical requirements will be requested upon acceptance.)
  • List All Presenters: Fully list all presenters or the presenting team. Proposals with “Presenters TBD” or “Presenters will be listed upon acceptance” will not be considered until the slate of presenters is complete. Should the proposal be accepted, repeated changes in the presenting team may nullify the acceptance.


Convention participants include: 

Public Lands Nonprofit Organizations / Partners:  

  • Leadership executives 
  • Program staff 
  • Board members 

Land Management Agency Leadership and Staff: 

  • Bureau of Land Management 
  • National Park Service 
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 
  • U.S. Forest Service 
  • Other federal, state, and local land management agencies


Experienced public lands professionals, as well as associated consultants, are welcome to submit proposals. We are looking for concurrent session proposals in a 60- or 75-minute time frame, as well as 45-minute case studies. All formats should include at least 10 minutes for Q&A as part of the presentation.

Submitters are encouraged to incorporate audience engagement or interactivity into their proposals. While the traditional “listen and learn” presentation method (i.e., solely PowerPoint) is familiar to many, we seek varied adult-learning formats that might include but are not limited to:

  • Workshops: Hands-on activities that enable participants to grasp relevant knowledge that can be utilized following the convention.
  • Educational Games: Game-based learning that facilitates the transfer and retention of relevant knowledge by embedding fun, interactive games into the session.
  • Case Studies/Peer Learning: Examples of actual organizational programs, experiences, processes, partnerships, etc., discussed as illustrations of the session topic.
  • Panel Discussions: Expert panels engage in a facilitated discussion, addressing predetermined questions and topics as well as questions submitted by participants.

Be creative! Be inventive!

Please be as specific as possible concerning your content and presentation format. To discuss a potential idea for a special format before submitting, please contact Public Lands Alliance Education Program Manager Emily Tanner at



Due to the large number of proposals received and the limited number of session slots, we will not be able to accept every proposal. 

Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and the PLA staff for relevance (to themes and audiences), energy, interactivity, ability to inspire action, and overall quality. Greater preference will also be given to proposals offering perspectives from partners involved in the topic, process, or concept being submitted. If accepted, PLA will work with you to finalize the session details for the purpose of convention marketing. 

Note: Proposals will be reviewed as they come in, thus more concerted consideration will be given to those submitted early. We may ask some presenters with similar proposal topics to work together on a new combined session proposal. 

Please direct your questions to PLA Education Manager Emily Tanner at 

Thank you for being a part of Walk for the Wild 2023. Please complete the Walk for the Wild Interim Grant Report report on or before May 30th. 

The Walk for the Wild event program provides a platform and system of support and administration for National Wildlife Refuge-affiliated nonprofit partners to utilize to get people moving in nature, nationally and locally. This program seeks to help facilitate and generate important funding to support the NWRS and its nonprofit partners through fundraising and walking events to coincide with National Wildlife Refuge Week, observed annually during the second full week of October. Walk for the Wild is administered by Public Lands Alliance (PLA), an official 501(c)3 partner of the National Wildlife Refuge System. 
In 2024, National Wildlife Refuge week kicks off with Urban Wildlife Conservation Day set for Saturday, October 12; National Wildlife Refuge Week runs October 13 - 19, 2024. Participating Walk for the Wild nonprofits are charged with hosting free walking events to coincide with National Wildlife Refuge week that provide opportunity for participants to complete a 5k (3.1 mile challenge) and by activating participants to donate to support their participating nonprofit organization.

To prepare to submit your application, you can find the list of application questions and guidance to help fill out the application HERE

For this application to be complete, each nonprofit must have a USFWS Liaison/Project Leader complete the sign-off/acknowledgment included in the last portion of the application. You can grant direct access to this application for your USFWS partner to complete the acknowledgment portion by clicking the "Manage Collaborators" button located on the top right of the application. You may also grant access to others from your organization to assist in completing this application by inviting them to collaborate. 


A participating Walk for the Wild nonprofit comprises of one nonprofit organization and its affiliated NWRS field station(s). Participating Walk for the Wild nonprofit organizations (pending application & approval) are required to plan, execute, and promote their Walk for the Wild event. Using the provided Walk for the Wild online event platform, participating nonprofit partners will administer Walk for the Wild "Team" pages that will allow participants to sign-up/register for their respective events and activate supporters to allocate donations in support of their nonprofit organization and/or program that supports a National Wildlife Refuge program or friends group.

 Nonprofit partners must meet the criteria below, participate in a mandatory kick-off orientation meeting (online), and submit a completed application. Applications to participate as an eligible nonprofit will be accepted from March – June 30, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and notification of acceptance will be issued (via email) within one week of application submission unless otherwise noted.

Applications are reviewed by the Walk for the Wild Core Planning Team, and organizations must be approved in order to participate and fundraise as part of Walk for the Wild. Each nonprofit organization participant must meet the following requirements: 

  • Be a nonprofit organization with a board of directors, bylaws, and a 501c3 tax designation. 
  • Proof of 501(c)3 designation will be required in the application. 
  • Be an organization that is actively working with a National Wildlife Refuge, field station or complex. 
  • Either have an official Friends Partnership Agreement or an alternative agreement with a direct tie to or cooperative agreement with an NWRS field station.  
  • Only one organization per field station will be approved to participate, and those with the most direct tie to the field station will be chosen to represent that field station. 
  • One nonprofit organization is allowed to represent multiple field stations. However, each field station may only work with one nonprofit. 
  • Organizations with an official Friends Agreement are NOT required to update their Friends Agreement as part of their participation in Walk for the Wild.  
  • A commitment to host an event and/or activities during National Wildlife Refuge Week, led by your organization and in collaboration with (or at least with approval from) your partner Refuge, to set a fundraising goal for your participating organization, and engage in event and prospective donor outreach using the provided outreach toolkit (to be distributed in summer 2024). 
  • You will be required to declare the type of event you will host and your fundraising goal in your application, along with a quick summary of your event, and show your USFWS project leaders' acknowledgment of this event and plan. 
  • Exceptions to the dates of your National Wildlife Refuge Week events will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Setting a fundraising goal is for planning purposes. Although we encourage participating nonprofits to set a realistic goal and we hope you reach it, not achieving a set goal won't result in any penalties. 
  • Designate a Team Leader for your nonprofit/field station partnership as the main point of contact and ensure the team is fulfilling the requirements of their participation.  
  • Have a representative participate in a virtual orientation prior to the external event platform launch. Participation is mandatory in order to participate and receive grants as part of Walk for the Wild 2024. (Orientation will take place in July - Date TBD). 
  • A commitment to use funds generated via Walk for the Wild to benefit a NWRS-related program or project or partner organization.  
  • Organizations with an official Friends agreement may use funds raised for unrestricted purposes to support their mission as long as that is declared in the application. 
  • Nonprofit organizations without an official Friends agreement will need to use funds raised to support a project or program they work on in collaboration with their partner Refuge, ideally, the program or project designated in their agreement with the field site. 
  • Any anticipated use of these funds raised through the event will need to be declared in the application process and reported back to the Walk for the Wild Core Planning team via reports.  
  • A mid-term report indicating the use or intended use of funds raised through Walk for the Wild will be due in April 2025, and all funds must be utilized and a final report submitted by November 2025. Details on grant report requirements will be provided with an upfront grant check in November/December 2024.  
  • Acknowledgment from a USFWS project liaison and/or Refuge Manager that acknowledges their nonprofit partner’s intent to participate in Walk for the Wild is required and is included in the applications that are submitted to be considered to be a participating Walk for the Wild nonprofit organization. 

Participating Nonprofit Expectations 

  • Participating nonprofit organizations will need to designate a Team Leader from the nonprofit partner (more info is included on the roles and responsibilities of the Team Leader on the “Participating Nonprofits” website) to act as the main point of contact for their participating nonprofit organization. 
  • Nonprofit organizations will submit an application that demonstrates they meet eligibility requirements and details their rough event plan as well as establishes a fundraising goal for their organization. 
  • Setting a fundraising goal is required for participating nonprofits and is for planning purposes. Although we encourage you to set a realistic goal, not achieving your goal won't result in any penalties. 
  • A representative affiliated with the participating nonprofit organization (ideally the Team Leader) must participate in a Walk for the Wild orientation training.  
  • Participating nonprofits must commit to providing content for their team page on the main Walk for the Wild website (training and resources will be provided by PLA) by the published deadline. 
  • Participating nonprofits will be expected to activate their local members, supporters, and visitors to participate in their local Walk for the Wild activities and to fundraise on behalf of their organization. 
  • Participating nonprofits will conduct outreach to promote their Walk for the Wild event(s) and their organization's Team page to encourage both participation and donations allocated to support their organization and/or the Walk for the Wild activation. An outreach toolkit and resources will be provided to participating nonprofit organizations during the summer of 2024. 

             For more information on Walk for the Wild and the application form, please visit:
             For questions, clarifications, or more information please email

Public Lands Alliance